A few questions on Zusi 3.

Hey folks, everyone speaking English may write in this category!
john spooner
Beiträge: 24
Registriert: 14.10.2013 22:01:53
Aktuelle Projekte: Building a Simdriving stand . and working on ideas for compact Train drivers control console.
Wohnort: Hamburg , DE

A few questions on Zusi 3.

#1 Beitrag von john spooner »

Hi there I came across Zusi 3 after getting into Train simulations via Rail simulator or as it is called now train Simulator, though with the last few years is is becoming more like a arcade game.

Also its as the worst customer support out there.

I could go on but that is not why I am asking about your Sim.

At first I had no idea how long Zusi as been around.

The demo for Zusi 3 as been out for a few years I understand.

So how far are you along the line to releasing the program outside of the comercial package ?

I was impressed by the depth of the Demo even using the simple settings, the work load was a lot more than the few buttons in TS2013 ,so I can imagine it being very hard in pro mode
& that is good.

I do not find the fact that its is only for now German based routes , I live in Germany these days Hamburg , but mein Deutsch ist nicht so schriftlich noch gute.

Deutsch is not so easy to learn not at 47 years old anyhow :D , I take it that in the future it my be possible to add other countries rail networks using the editor function ?

what is the main difference between the Hobby & commercial versions ?

Any other info that you want to give me would be helpful , I have mentioned this sim on other forums and been asked questions, so I would like to be able to pass more information on about this forth coming product.

Liebe Grüße

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33500
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: A few questions on Zusi 3.

#2 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

Hi, Zusi is as country-independent as possible. So it should be possible to create tracks/switches, signals and catenary for any country you like.
Safety systems are only German, I will add more systems when foreign routes are built.
The commercial version has some extra-functions for trainer-interaction and is more expensive because of the commercial usage.
There is no release-date for the hobby-version yet because I don't like estimated release-dates...

