I'm a rookie in Zusi 3

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Registriert: 31.03.2022 16:14:04

I'm a rookie in Zusi 3

#1 Beitrag von alex17 »

:) Good Morning every one, so i'm a true beginner for Zusi 3, and i bought it with Steam platform.
SO i found a Zusi Datenbank.de site and and I noticed that compared to the database I am missing a lot of trains and scenarios.
5 Deko-Verkehr Düsseldorf
S 1 Solingen Hbf - Dortmund Hbf
I do not have the number 5 nor the 6 and 7 as scenario groups
(5 Deko-Verkehr Düsseldorf,
6 Deko-Verkehr Köln,
7 Stehende Deko Köln)
The same in many other routes...my version is the latest and it is the Aerosoft version (steam).
Can I download the additional scenarios and trains?
Where can I find them?
I am writing here because I do not know German and I hope someone can help me.

Beiträge: 3330
Registriert: 14.03.2009 22:36:06
Aktuelle Projekte: Zusitools (http://git.io/zusitools)

Re: I'm a rookie in Zusi 3

#2 Beitrag von Johannes »

Those are "deco" trains that are not interesting to drive. There's a checkbox "Show deco trains" below the train list if you want to see them.

Christian Sch.
Beiträge: 468
Registriert: 15.01.2009 23:29:56
Wohnort: Haidlfing

Re: I'm a rookie in Zusi 3

#3 Beitrag von Christian Sch. »

To further specify "not interesting": Those trains run for a short distance only. Some don't move at all ("Stehende Deko").

And there are trains where the loco or other vehicles of the train are considered substandard.


Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 31.03.2022 16:14:04

Re: I'm a rookie in Zusi 3

#4 Beitrag von alex17 »

I understand, so there are no additional files or scenarios to download, but on YT I see trains and I think railway routes that I don't think are on my Zusi 3 Aerosoft...or am I wrong?

Beiträge: 779
Registriert: 08.12.2001 08:16:10
Aktuelle Projekte: Elektrifizierung von Dänemark, Neubaustrecke Ägypten, Straßenbahn Kopenhagen usw. - im Original
Wohnort: Münchberg (an der KBS 850), jetzt Erlangen

Re: I'm a rookie in Zusi 3

#5 Beitrag von KlausMueller »

There can be different reasons if you see trains or routes which you don't find on your version, e.g.
  • the creator of the video has made an non-official timetable by himself
  • timetable is withdrawn or modified due to different reasons (e.g. there was an issue with copyright, so that some vehicles had to be withdrawn)
  • it's a beta preview of timetable or route modules
  • sometimes timetables are renamed due to route extensions, then you have it in extended version with other name
  • . . .
If you have Aerosoft (Steam) version, there is no difference to official stick version, addons are published for both simultaneously. Sometimes there is some days offset between stick and Aerosoft publishing.

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 31.03.2022 16:14:04

Re: I'm a rookie in Zusi 3

#6 Beitrag von alex17 »

Viele Danke Klaus for your complete answere. Well, i like so much Zusi3, i've a big passion for Deutsche railways, i love travel across the beatiful german landers by all types of trains (ICE, Interregio,Regio for real i'm speaking).
NIce, i hope in new route with more kilometers :applaus
