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Moving Zusi 3 to other folder in the same PC

Verfasst: 23.02.2021 23:57:20
von stavka
I want to move Zusi 3 to a SSD disc (m:) that is much more faster than the disc were it is installed (c:).
What i should do to move my Zusi 3 installation? Can i move the entire Zusi 3 folder to there?
Or i copy all the Zusi 3 contents and make a symbolic link from the c: to m: using the "mklink /J c:... m:..." ?
Thanks in advance

Re: Moving Zusi 3 to other folder in the same PC

Verfasst: 24.02.2021 23:22:33
von Jan
If you're directly moving the installation directory, there are probably a few place that'll reference the full installation path (possibly within Zusi itself as well as certainly in Windows, e.g. for the various file type associations), so you'd have to find all those and change them to the new path, too, in which case it might be easier to simply reinstall the program from scratch.

So the alternative of using a file system junction to transparently redirect things from the original install location to your SSD might be worth a try to avoid the above problems.

Re: Moving Zusi 3 to other folder in the same PC

Verfasst: 24.02.2021 23:31:16
von Carsten Hölscher
You should only move the _ZusiData folder to the ssd (and change the folder in ZusiDateiverwaltung -> settings so that Zusi can still find it)


Re: Moving Zusi 3 to other folder in the same PC

Verfasst: 25.02.2021 06:46:40
von stavka
Hi, thanks a lot about help and replies. I did the suggested move the data and the changes in settings. It works well but i not saw any significant improvement in the time to load, so i reverted to the original situation.