Westerland Zwangsbremsung

Hey folks, everyone speaking English may write in this category!
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Registriert: 22.04.2020 15:41:59

Westerland Zwangsbremsung

#1 Beitrag von LCYCowboy »

First of all, thanks to everyone answering my previous questions. It really is most appreciated.

A new question. I love driving the Marschbahn (da ich gern selbst auf Sylt Urlaub mache), but I keep getting a Zwangsbremsung between the 50 km/h and 30 km/h limit. In the report afterwards it shows up as a 500 khz Wachsam, but there are now signals or other signs that I can see.

There are some magnets at the side of the track, but how do I know that I should Wachsam a magnet if there is no sign/signal next to it?

Thanks again for any help (I thought I had finally figured everything, then this happens)


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Registriert: 16.04.2020 08:05:23
Wohnort: Dresden

Re: Westerland Zwangsbremsung

#2 Beitrag von snookerfan »

In Westerland (as you can see) there is a lot of relatively old signalling equipment so not everything as one might expect nowadays.

Back in that time entry signals (Esig) of terminus stations (with only dead ends) won't annouce that dead end as a distant signal. One should simply know that one is approaching a dead end. Therefore you won't get 1000 Hz at that entry signal.
Dead ends usually require a speed limit of 30 km/h (there are exeptions), and 30 km/h and lower is usually give you 1000 Hz at the distant signal and then later 500 Hz.

There are places (like Kassel Hbf) where there aren't 500 Hz magnets even now but for Westerland someone must have added them later to apply a bit better to modern standards.
So on entering Westerland you should know that there will be a 500 Hz magnet like usually, when you get a speed limit of 30, even if the 30 is not proper annouced.
Zuletzt geändert von snookerfan am 27.06.2020 19:38:20, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 33
Registriert: 22.04.2020 15:41:59

Re: Westerland Zwangsbremsung

#3 Beitrag von LCYCowboy »

Thanks for the info, very useful.

I still don't understand what this means in practice. I approach Westerland and reduce to 50 km/h. What do I need to do then?

Am I going to fast as I approach the 500 hz signal, or do I need to press Wachsam as I pass the magenet?



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Registriert: 16.02.2014 21:48:49
Aktuelle Projekte: Fahrpultbau
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Re: Westerland Zwangsbremsung

#4 Beitrag von BenniS. »

normaly you can get past a 500Hz magnet with up to 65km/h maximum speed. no need for wachsam here.
BUT after that you have to slow down to at least 45km/h during the following 153 meters. Otherwise you'll end up with the Zwangsbremsung.
In westerland where you are going with 50Km/h after the Esig you don't have to brake until you've passed the 500Hz magnet. But after that you have to go down to the mentioned 45km/h and further down to the upcoming 30Km/h sign.
Zuletzt geändert von BenniS. am 29.06.2020 19:09:53, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
beste Grüße

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Registriert: 16.12.2020 14:21:28

Re: Westerland Zwangsbremsung

#5 Beitrag von ZusiLiebe »

Currently just had the same problem. Thank god somebody already gave the solution and I can continue driving the train. Thx.
