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Saving a Run in Progress

Verfasst: 31.12.2003 15:20:20
von Vern
Is it possible to save a run in progress? If not then this would be desirable feature for a future version - and the key to having longer routes, particularly when interruptions are likely (phone ringing, cat/wife nagging :) etc).

Verfasst: 31.12.2003 15:58:35
von Roland Ziegler
Hi Vern,

it's not currently possible. It is, though, an often requested feature and thence on the official (?) wish list for "years".

With the refactored design of Zusi 3 Carsten may no longer find it too complex for being implemented. It would be very much appreciated.

The excuse until now has always been that you can't save and interrupt in real life. You can pause, however, which, at least to my knowledge, does also have no counterpart in a non-virtual cab.

Verfasst: 31.12.2003 16:05:14
von Arie van Zon
A GM-EMD JT42CWR "Class 66" does have a F2-key in the cab... 8)
