Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

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Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#1 Beitrag von Fin-MH »

In the fictional cab of the BR110 (and others than 120 or 216) I don't see a clock anywhere. I suppose the only way to know the time is to use the Schummelfenster? Does using it decrease the evaluation at the end? Even in the cab of the 120 and 216 the clock is not the clearest possible; a clock with numbers would be clearer - if not realistic, then a driver's wrist watch shown on the desk...

The Signal-zoom is nice, but it would be nicer to have some glow around the lights even when observed from a close distance. Now the lights of an oncoming train are just small white dots which looks rather weird especially in tunnels. To my opinion they should always look as if they were 0,5 m in diameter to give an impression of really bright lights.

The cab view doesn't utilize the whole width of the monitor, but the view when looking back does. Is it not possible to show rear mirrors on both sides of the actual cab view? Would be really cool :)

Otherwise the demo looks really impressive.

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Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#2 Beitrag von Johannes »

Fin-MH hat geschrieben:In the fictional cab of the BR110 (and others than 120 or 216) I don't see a clock anywhere. I suppose the only way to know the time is to use the Schummelfenster? Does using it decrease the evaluation at the end? Even in the cab of the 120 and 216 the clock is not the clearest possible; a clock with numbers would be clearer - if not realistic, then a driver's wrist watch shown on the desk...
Yes, the cheat window will lead to a deduction in points. But if you enable the fps display in the settings, pressing F5 (hide cab) will give you a clock in the upper left corner of the screen.


Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33496
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Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#3 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

You can adjust the enlargement of loco- and signal-lights in the sim-settings.


Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 10.11.2011 16:05:11

Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#4 Beitrag von Fin-MH »

Thanks, the F5 was a good hint.

Carsten, I know that, but my point is: the nearer the oncoming train is, the smaller the headlights become. Here on the 1st screenshot they look very nice, but on the 2nd one, just before passing by, they look like bad flashlights, not like bright headlights. So even when close, they should have a glow around them. Plus that when the Signalvergrösserung is at max, like on these screenshots, the signals look somewhat ridiculous (especially the green-yellow lights when close to each other) whereas the headlights look good (on the upper screenshot, not the lower).



Another question. The headlights of my train don't seem to have any effect whatsoever, for example the tunnels are always black. Are working lights planned?
Zuletzt geändert von Fin-MH am 15.09.2014 06:40:21, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33496
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#5 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

I think the headlights look ridiculous, too. Compare with original headlights:



Sebastian D.
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Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#6 Beitrag von Sebastian D. »

I have to agree with Fin-MH. It all depends on the surroundings. Compare with the following picture:


Is it possible to let the simulator automatically increase the glow around lights (headlights, tail lights, signal lights etc.) in dark surroundings like tunnels and also at night? That would add a lot to the realistic feeling. Zusi already knows when the train is passing through tunnels as the driver's cabin goes dark, so maybe it's not that big of a stretch to let it increase glow around oncoming lights as well. And the night glow could be controlled by the ingame time for example.
Zuletzt geändert von Sebastian D. am 16.09.2014 15:29:02, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
ZusiWiki - Informationen und Wissenswertes rund um Zusi 3

F. Schn.
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Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#7 Beitrag von F. Schn. »

Plase keep in mind: In reality you'll watch with eyes, not with cameras.
Sebastian D. hat geschrieben:Is it possible to let the simulator automatically increase the glow around lights (headlights, tail lights, signal lights etc.) in dark surroundings like tunnels and also at night?
I've opened up a wish in the German area.
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Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 10.11.2011 16:05:11

Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#8 Beitrag von Fin-MH »

Exactly, Sebastian D. My point was the lights in darkness. Everyone knows how bright the lights of an oncoming car look when it's dark, but in sunlight it can be difficult to say if they are on or not. The light glow in Zusi 3 is on the right track, but needs adjusting. Surely not the 1st task on priority list, but adds "feel" and realism.
Thanks Carsten for the enormous but excellent work you have put into Zusi 3! :respekt

Zuletzt geändert von Fin-MH am 18.09.2014 12:37:13, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Carsten Hölscher
Beiträge: 33496
Registriert: 04.07.2002 00:14:42
Wohnort: Braunschweig

Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#9 Beitrag von Carsten Hölscher »

Shouldn't we discuss lens flares, first?

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Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#10 Beitrag von ADHamburg »

Carsten Hölscher hat geschrieben:You can adjust the enlargement of loco- and signal-lights in the sim-settings.

I was looking for the setting-function in the menu (Konfiguration -> Einstellungen), but i couldn´t find any way of adjusting the locomotive or signal lights.

Can you let me have a hint?



Alwin Meschede
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Aktuelle Projekte: Zusi3 Objektbau

Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#11 Beitrag von Alwin Meschede »

ADHamburg hat geschrieben:I was looking for the setting-function in the menu (Konfiguration -> Einstellungen), but i couldn´t find any way of adjusting the locomotive or signal lights.
Konfiguration -> Einstellungen -> Grafik+Sound -> Signalvergrößerung
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Re: Zusi 3 demo - beginner questions

#12 Beitrag von ADHamburg »

OK, I found it now. Thanks.
