
Hey folks, everyone speaking English may write in this category!
Christian Gründler
Beiträge: 2213
Registriert: 04.10.2003 13:27:48
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#21 Beitrag von Christian Gründler »

Blende = aperture
Belichtung[szeit] = exposure [time]
Zeitauslöser = self-timer
Blitz = flash

(abgekupfert aus der Bedienungsanleitung meiner alten Rollei 35; die hat leider nur ein Normalobjektiv.)
Zuletzt geändert von Christian Gründler am 21.12.2003 15:36:47, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 37
Registriert: 07.05.2003 23:28:11

#22 Beitrag von shangway »

Weitwinkel - wide angle (lens)

Andreas Karg
Beiträge: 4718
Registriert: 28.04.2002 12:56:00

#23 Beitrag von Andreas Karg »

Okay, danke..

Frank Wenzel
Beiträge: 5118
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#24 Beitrag von Frank Wenzel »

Oliver Lamm hat geschrieben:...This discussion shows one interesting aspect: There are many terms for the saThis shows one more how imporant it should become to get a dictionary - in form of a wiki or whatever - as quickly as possible.´..
What the hell means WIKI ?( ;) . I´ve seen something called WIKIPEDIA and it seems to be a popular electronic kind of the famous Encylopedia Britannica (written without mistakes, I hope). But how to create something like that???
Gruß ins Forum, Frank - www.zusi-sk.eu - Youtube

Andreas Karg
Beiträge: 4718
Registriert: 28.04.2002 12:56:00

#25 Beitrag von Andreas Karg »

A WIKI is the general definition of something like WIKIpedia. You can set it up to form an encyclopedia. Or a dictionary. Or anything you like, as long as it is a database in which people can search for keywords and where they can add their own entries. (I guess the latter is more or less optional) At least this is what I think what a WIKI is.

Oliver Lamm
Beiträge: 3102
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#26 Beitrag von Oliver Lamm »

I just called Roland yesterday and we discussed this problem again.
As a result I will set up an spreadsheet with two simple rows (german, british-english) as a start. This document can be downloaded at my website. Any additions or changes will be done by me only. So this should be some kind of "official zusi dictionary" which all documentation should base on.

I will use OpenOffice for this purpose and start as soon a I'm able to use someone broadband connection to download the software.

Oliver Lamm

Frank Wenzel
Beiträge: 5118
Registriert: 06.11.2001 01:13:47
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#27 Beitrag von Frank Wenzel »

Oliver Lamm hat geschrieben:... I will use OpenOffice for this purpose ...
Gruß ins Forum, Frank - www.zusi-sk.eu - Youtube

Oliver Lamm
Beiträge: 3102
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Aktuelle Projekte: Aachen - Neuss für Zusi3
Wohnort: Essen

#28 Beitrag von Oliver Lamm »

Also, bevor es die erste dictionary-Version gibt, hier noch ein paar Anfragen von mir:

1. Schraubbewegung ???
2. Haltepunkt - stop ?
3. laufende numer - sequential/serial number ?

Oliver Lamm

Andreas Karg
Beiträge: 4718
Registriert: 28.04.2002 12:56:00

#29 Beitrag von Andreas Karg »

4. Zugabfertigung

Christian Gründler
Beiträge: 2213
Registriert: 04.10.2003 13:27:48
Wohnort: Brühl (Baden)

#30 Beitrag von Christian Gründler »

1) To memorize the directions of the axes, think of a screw. A rotation of the x-axis in direction of the y-axis will result in a movement of the screw in direction of the z-axis. (If you would look in direction of the z-axis, you'd see that the screw ist turning clockwise; a coordinate system of this kind is called a "right hand system".) (Lieber frei erklären als wörtlich übersetzen.)

2) halt (in Verbindung mit Eigennamen groß geschrieben, z.B. "Bk Hembsen Halt")

3) sequential number

M.f.G. Christian
Zuletzt geändert von Christian Gründler am 24.12.2003 20:23:22, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 37
Registriert: 07.05.2003 23:28:11

#31 Beitrag von shangway »

There will be a number of expressions/names etc which do not have a one-to-one translation in english or they might not even exist.
Examples are: Fahrdienstleiter, Ueberleitstelle, Anschlusstelle, Betriebsstellen etc.
I would suggest to leave those expressions in german and provide a definition in a glossary. After all, even non railway folks in Germany won't know what a Ueberleitstelle, Fahrdienstleiter or a Sifa is unless you would give an explanation of its/his/her functionality or purpose.
As an Example: a junction could be used for a number of "Betriebsstellen" which in fact have different names in german and could be missleading by using just the english word "junction".
If there is a proper english word for an expression it certainly should be used. But for cases, where it is missleading or merely a generic term, the german word should be used. (This applies of course for english -> german too)
A good example is at http://www.steane.com/egtre/de/de_terms.htm

You can also explain a right-handed cartesian coordinate system by using the thumb, index finger and middle finger of you right hand. (check Wikipedia "catesian coordinate system" it explains it nicely in english :) )

Edit: spelling
Zuletzt geändert von shangway am 24.12.2003 21:55:53, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Roland Ziegler
Beiträge: 5510
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#32 Beitrag von Roland Ziegler »

In US timetables - the real ones ("Buchfahrpläne"), which show the list of "Betriebsstellen" - we find the term "station" throughout.

I don't know about the British equivalent.

Another one:
Fantasiestrecke = fictional route (also fictitious route)

(Ar-) T-Rex
Beiträge: 4795
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#33 Beitrag von (Ar-) T-Rex »

shangway hat geschrieben:Can someone help me out with the translation of:
Fahrdienstleiter = movements inspector (?)
Manfred hat geschrieben:Fahrdienstleiter = station master
Christian hat geschrieben:Fahrdienstleiter = signalman
Roland hat geschrieben:...controllers and dispatchers...
No, no.

Fahrdienstleiter is a "traffic manager" (at least during my occupation with this profession).

A "train dispatcher" (Disponent, Streckenfahrdienstleiter) is a traffic manager who rules the traffic of two or more stations (or a whole line) from a central.

ZPA-Bereich Österreich


Andreas Karg
Beiträge: 4718
Registriert: 28.04.2002 12:56:00

#34 Beitrag von Andreas Karg »

"Was denn?"
"Was denn?"
"Nichts, gar nichts!"
- Loriot

Musste ich irgendwie grade so dran denken... .oO( Sah ein Fahrdienstleiter ein Röslein stehn... )

Christian Gründler
Beiträge: 2213
Registriert: 04.10.2003 13:27:48
Wohnort: Brühl (Baden)

#35 Beitrag von Christian Gründler »

Roland Ziegler hat geschrieben:In US timetables (...) we find the term "station" throughout.

I don't know about the British equivalent.
That's probably one of the differences between british and american english. On preserved railways in GB I saw halts (just a platform, no passing loop) and stations (whith points and a signalbox or at least a ground frame).
Zuletzt geändert von Christian Gründler am 28.12.2003 17:53:56, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Roland Ziegler
Beiträge: 5510
Registriert: 04.11.2001 22:09:26
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#36 Beitrag von Roland Ziegler »

US timetable ("Buchfahrplan" resp. "Geschwindigkeitsheft") stations refer to "Betriebsstelle", not necessarily passenger stations or halts but mainly junctions, sidings (brit: loops) or spurs (brit: sidings) or even crossings ("diamonds"). Passenger stations are often called "depots", as said before.

And "traffic manager" rings a bell :].

Bruce Kennewell
Beiträge: 112
Registriert: 15.12.2003 11:23:09
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#37 Beitrag von Bruce Kennewell »

Christian Gründler hat geschrieben:On preserved railways in GB I saw halts (just a platform, no passing loop) and stations (whith points and a signalbox or at least a ground frame).
Exactly the same terminology for exactly the same things is used here in Australia....and New Zealand.


Michael Springer
Beiträge: 2933
Registriert: 24.06.2002 16:22:44
Wohnort: Schwäbisch Gmünd

#38 Beitrag von Michael Springer »

Hello to all,

i worked at my translation piece and i need some correct technial translations. Please help:

Weichensound - point sound, track switch sound ?
Weicheninformation - point information ?
Weichenschlagen - point beating ?

Herzstückerkennungsroutine - heart of point routine ?
Or how should it be explained ?

Auswahldialog = dialog box ?
Bildfahrplan =


Zuletzt geändert von Michael Springer am 06.01.2004 10:01:10, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

Roland Ziegler
Beiträge: 5510
Registriert: 04.11.2001 22:09:26
Wohnort: 32U 0294406 5629020

#39 Beitrag von Roland Ziegler »

Always plural: points, not point

A few suggestions - subject to review by a native speaker
Weichensound - point sound, track switch sound ?
clatter, clacking of/at/through(?) points
Weicheninformation - point information ?
Whats's the context? Dont' translate literally.
"Da ist eine Weiche" -> identify/locate/detect points
"Das ist diese Weiche" -> description or - simpler - label
Weichenschlagen - point beating ?
as above
Herzstückerkennungsroutine - heart of point routine ?
locating the frog or determine the location of the frog or...
Auswahldialog = dialog box ?
Bildfahrplan =
I've seen "graphic timetable"

and another one:

Grundplatte - baseboard

Michael Springer
Beiträge: 2933
Registriert: 24.06.2002 16:22:44
Wohnort: Schwäbisch Gmünd

#40 Beitrag von Michael Springer »


it's only one sentence ... but this one makes me a headache.

Im Auswahldialog kann unten "Weichensound" angeklickt werden. Mit dieser Funktion wird nach dem Laden der Strecke eine Herzstückerkennungsroutine durchlaufen, die für den Sound "Weichenschlagen" sorgt.

In the dialog box at the bottom, there you can set the option
(Weichensound). It means clatting through points.
After loading a route, this function of the driving simulator will determine the location of the frogs and enables the sound "clatting at/through points"

Hope, now its understandable.

And two sentence later the next problem ... Zur Erstellung von Taktzügen, don't know how to explain.... i think i am not able to translate all the text in right context. i am dispairing ...

Generating of cylce trains: (means, the trains have all the same time between they start.)

Zuletzt geändert von Michael Springer am 06.01.2004 11:07:52, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
